Contact Information

You can contact a member Labthink service team using the following options:

Labthink Global Technical Support & Customer Service Center

China (Domestic, excludes Taiwan)
Address: No. 144 Wuyingshan Road, Jinan, China
Phone: (+86) 531-8581 7247
Fax: (+86) 531-5870 2781

China (International, excludes China mainland and North America)
Address: No. 144 Wuyingshan Road, Jinan, China
Phone: (+86) 531-5870 2798 / 5870 2776
Fax: (+86) 531-5870 2781
Skype: labthinkservice

USA regional office (North America)
Address: 200 River’s Edge Drive, Medford, MA 02155, USA
Phone: (+1) 617-830-2190
Fax: (+1) 781-219-3638

Labthink headquarters and global service teams provide customers with quality support and service. For details of your local service team, please contact Labthink international in China headquarters.

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